Do you think not having finished high school is preventing you from getting a better employment, but you don't opportunity to go back to obtain the necessary diploma? There is something that you can do to address this problem. You can take Graduate Equivalency Degree or General Educational Development exams designed to assess whether your level of your education or knowledge satisfies the level required from holders of high diploma. The exams cover Social Studies, Math, Language Arts Reading and Language Arts Writing. If you pass the exams you will a certificate which is as good ad high school diploma. Most employers consider a GED certificate equivalent to a high school diploma. So in case you are unable to find a better job or your employer is reluctant to give a raise because you do not a diploma, these should not be problems anymore if you pass the exams and get the GED certificate.
Your age is not a problem. Anybody age 16 and above can take GED test prep exams. You should waste the opportunity offered by the program. You should prepare for the exams especially if you'd been out of school for a long time. Most probably you have forgotten a lot already. It is important that take GED classes. Do not worry the classes will interfere with your work. There are online ged classes for adults.
Before you choose the online class to enroll at, there are certain things you have to consider. One is the coverage of the lessons in each of the ged subjects. It should not difficult to get a good idea what specific topics are likely to be tackled in the exams. Scanning high textbooks or consulting high school teachers should be a great help. Another consideration is practice tests. Besides ensuring you are studying the right topics, you should also consider the learning aids a ged class website provides. You'd prefer a provider that offers everything you need to learn pass. You would choose to enroll in an online ged class that offers study guides and GED practice test to prepare you for the actual examinations.
The lack of a high school diploma should not prevent you from getting better employment or prevent from pursuing further education. If you can't go back to high school, there is a good substitute to high school diploma. You can get a GED certificate. For more information about GED programs, click on this link: